Photos from Rabbit Rescue

Bun Fun!

Summer fun in the Rabbit Rescue play yard. We have a mister that spans the length of the yard, lots of cool hidey holes & houses, frozen water bottles, and fresh water to keep the buns cool, safe & healthy. Thanks to volunteers Corey & Gail for these great pics. (And all their hard work for the buns!)

Andrew with bunnies under a big umbrellaBunnies Chillin in the yard

Volunteer Andrew takes a break from the sun with some lazy buns..

April getting picked up

April (top) and Carly get a lift to the play yard from Gail..

GingerGinger escapes the heat by leaning on a frozen water bottle.
LunaLuna takes an afternoon nap.

Gail holding Carly

Maxwell and JasmineMaxwell & Jasmine, lovingly together even in the freedom of the play yard.
Rocket takes offRocket prepares to earn his name with an impressive "take off".

Ruby Ruby stakes out her spot in the shade.
Sable looks for adventure...
Andrew sticking out his tongue
And Andrew looks for a giggle!
Midnight Midnight lazes in the sun.
Sunny and BrodySonny & Brody share a tall cool one.

And our beautiful, lonely Savannah waits for her forever family to notice how loving and perfect she is in all her majestic rabbitness. ...

more bun fun and pictures coming soon